11:10am | Worship with us.


Worship is a time to seek, honor and encounter God. When we gather for worship at Ashford, our desire is to express our love with one voice to one audience – God! We want God to receive glory from our different sounds of worship.

In our Worship Services, you will see many acceptable expressions of worship including singing, closing eyes, clapping, kneeling, bowing, lifting hands, dancing and waving flags. As we worship, God honors our praise with His presence.


11:50am | Grow in the Lord.


God is speaking, we want to tune our ears to hear him not only in our worship but also through His Word. Each week we engage in scripture based teaching to challenge and edify the body.

A team of Pastors and Teachers share the message for Sunday morning throughout the month, bringing a diverse expression of the heart of God and the power of His Word.